No. 26 (2022): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

					View No. 26 (2022): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Dear Readers

We are very pleased to present to you our latest issue of the Scientific Journals of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. In the current issue there is an overview of current problems in the field of economics, management and finance seen from the local, national and global perspective. Our authors thoroughly analyzed the changing environment and presented selected problems in the form of their own research, analysis of secondary data as well as discussion and criticism of the literature.

Detailed problems concern many different areas, and so you can find articles on the development of the tourism and event industry on a local and national scale, spatial development of cities and lifestyle changes, trends on the labor market, future retirement security, social security, public investments. We also have articles related to broadly understood finance, in particular those relating to the development of modern financial instruments, the financial condition of the banking sector or online payments. Selected articles concern the problems of the logistics of oversized transport, investments in transport as well as the theory and practice of motor damage valuation.

In our Scientific Journals there is a place for articles written by experienced scientists with significant research achievements, as well as young, just starting their adventure with science - graduates of bachelor's and master's studies. For the first time, students of the Doctoral School presented their publications. As an editorial team, we hope that you will find interesting materials in our notebooks, which may be the basis for further discussion and scientific polemics.

                                                                                                                                                                Editorial Team

Published: 2023-02-23
