Vol. 1 No. 25 (2021): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Zeszyty Naukowe nr 25

Dear Readers,

It is our pleasure to present you with our latest issue of the Scientific Journals of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. In the current issue, you will find a review of current problems in the fields of economics, management and finance. Our Authors have thoroughly analysed the surrounding reality and have presented selected problems in the form of their own research, an analysis of secondary data as well as a discussion and literature criticism.

Specific problems include inequalities in access to the labour market, employment rates in relation to persons with disabilities, the confectionery market in Poland, the impact of the pandemic on the economic situation and the condition of public finances, meetings and tourist activity, the offer on the part of agritourism farms, human resources management in tourism, business failure and mediation as a form of conflict resolution.

The authors of the articles are both experienced scientists with significant research achievements and those who are young and are just undertaking their adventure with science: students. This combination is very interesting because the problems that affect different generations are changing. And these changes may be observed in the subject matter. As editors, we do hope that you will find the materials in these issues interesting, which may offer grounds for further discussion and scientific polemics.

Editorial Board

Published: 2022-02-10