Vol. 1 No. 24 (2020): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

					View Vol. 1 No. 24 (2020): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

We are very pleased to offer to you another issue of our Research Journals. This Issue is dominated by the work of young scientists: graduates of our studies. They wrote these papers on their own or in cooperation with their supervisors; we have seven such papers. Tourism and Recreation as well as Economics graduates were particularly active in this respect. The other work is articles by experienced scholars. The combination of youth and experience proved to be particularly interesting; the papers provide a lot of interesting new information. 

Among the articles, we may distinguish those that concern our immediate surroundings; we have papers on the local Forest Five sporting initiative, the tourist preferences of the residents of the City of Koszalin or the tourist attractiveness of coastal municipalities in the West Pomerania Province. The paper on the seasonality of unemployment in coastal districts is advanced in methodology. Here, one may read both about a socially important phenomenon and become familiar with a data analysis method. Another paper deals with the labour market; it addresses the problem of the Covid pandemic and the changes it causes in employment and unemployment. The papers on theory are noteworthy; here, we may point to an article on the satisfaction of purchasing needs. A paper on tanatotourism is interesting; this phenomenon is very rarely described in scientific literature. We also have two papers devoted to the importance of macroeconomic factors in the company’s development; they concern the influence of investments and consumption on the development of SMEs and the impact of the exchange rate on the company’s financial results.

The diversity of the papers demonstrates how many problems there are in relation to economics. From household behaviour on the market to public investments, the condition of the labour market or the impact of the pandemic on the economy, the organisation of local tourist events to world tourism. We do hope that you will find here an inspiration for your own research. At the same time, we encourage you to submit papers and to publish articles in our Research Journals.

Published: 2021-02-05
