Vol. 1 No. 23 (2019): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Zeszyty Naukowe nr 23/2019

We present to our Readers the 23rd issue of the Research Journals published by the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Koszalin University of Technology (23/2019). In this issue, we have published 11 scientific articles that represent various views on economic issues. Here, you can find both theoretical considerations and papers that present the results of empirical research. A part of the studies presented is the joint work of our students who are completing their education at the master's level and their supervisors. We are very pleased with this activity of young researchers. They represent a new perspective on the surrounding world. This is very valuable and allows us to look into the future with optimism. The research presented in the Research Journal deals with the issues of local economy, especially in the northern regions of Poland, such as the spatial diversification of development, the demographic conditions of regional development, diversified financial standing of communes, determinants of demand for tourism products, an evaluation of communes' infrastructure, operations of science and technology parks, or development opportunities for medium sized cities. Furthermore, we may also read about the development of Poland as compared to other European states, and about the security and defensive capability of Poland in the context of international policy. We are also interested in papers that cover general issues connected with an assessment of personnel selection procedures and the effectiveness of the company's operations, or the legitimacy of conducting surveys. This diversity of the subject matter offers to the reader an opportunity to evaluate the work of other researchers, and this may also inspire their own reflections and new creative work. We do hope that the articles published herein will contribute to the development of economic thought. Economic research is of a key importance in terms of a better use of resources held by societies, and thus also to their development. Therefore, we encourage you to make efforts to prepare scientific papers and to cooperate with our journal.

Published: 2019-12-20
