No. 27 (2023): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

					View No. 27 (2023): Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

 Dear Readers

We are pleased to present you the latest issue of the Scientific Journals of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. The issue - as every year - contains articles in the field of economics, finance and management. The authors addressed various issues, analyzing primary and secondary data and presenting the results of empirical research, as well as discussions and criticism of the literature on the subject.

The topics covered in the articles are diverse and refer to the functioning of the labor market, logistics, the educational process, the local economy, tourism, team management and the production process, as well as consumer spending. However, from a subjective perspective, the authors raised issues related to the professional activity of various groups, customer service, tourist activity, and the functioning of local government units, enterprises and households. The spatial scope of the presented research covers primarily Poland at various levels (national, regional and local), as well as the European Union as a whole.

The authors of the articles published in this issue are both experienced scientists and people just gaining scientific experience. These are people associated with our university - employees, PhD students and students, as well as people from outside the university and even from outside the scientific community. Such diversity contributes to a broad perception of the surrounding reality and a comprehensive analysis of emerging problems.

We hope that in the latest issue of the Scientific Journals of the Faculty of Economic Sciences you will find interesting publications that will constitute a basis for scientific discussion.

                                                                                                                                                                Editorial Team

Published: 2024-03-13
